The Representation Of Handicrafts And Embroidery As A Means Of Communication

An Analysis of “Olga” by Fernando Morais


  • Silvane Inês Heck Universidade Feevale
  • Claudia Schemes Universidade Feevale



Handwork, Olga Benario Prestes, Representation, Identity, Embroidery


This article, in theoretical and empirical nature, search to analyze the representations attributed to manual works in the literary work "Olga", by Fernando Morais. Therefore, it intends to investigate and interpret the narrative passages that exalt practices such as embroidery, crochet and knitting, in order to verify their inferences in the life of the protagonist and the other characters regarding these crafts. The objective is to understand the approximations between handcraft work and the concepts of memory, identity and imagination. As a result, we seek to break with the perception of monotony usually associated with these practices, consolidating them as resources with the potential to materially express the identity of women who make them, portraying and representing their memories of the past, their present experiences and their dreams and hopes for the future.



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How to Cite

Heck, S. I. ., & Schemes, C. . (2020). The Representation Of Handicrafts And Embroidery As A Means Of Communication: An Analysis of “Olga” by Fernando Morais. Fênix - Revista De História E Estudos Culturais, 17(2), 453–468.